Saturday, February 8, 2014

Outfit: One Last Kiss

It's time again for a new outfit to be featured on my blog. This time I'm going with a more complete outfit and including all the accessories with it. I hope to be doing that more often now but these things do get more expensive, haha.

I absolutely loved these mint floral shorts, so I decided to make an outfit based off of them. The colors are perfect so I added in a peach/pink shirt top and heels that I think match the floral shorts just perfectly.

You can see that I changed my hairstyle up too as well as throwing on some gold accessories in a necklace, bangles, earrings, and a ring. I even made sure the nails match the entire outfit too ;) The detail on the nails are great and the color is perfect. I also added in a 'perfect body enhancer' to give the whole thing a little more of a curvy look which I like.


! One last kiss !

! Mint Floral is love !



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