Sunday, May 4, 2014

Outfit: Pulito

It's been a while since I've last posted here, I was having problems with my laptop but I'm here to stay now and with that I'm bringing you another outfit to start things off.

This outfit comes from a designer called NekoHana who makes a ton of super cute and sexy outfits, and this one is definitely on the sexy side! The perfect type of outfit to go to the club with or even if you are just feeling or wanting to look sexy. The crop top look with the shoulders showing and then bra/bikini is great and color scheme of pink and white is great. The shorts are super short and I absolutely love the little heart shaped buckle. It's a simple outfit as there is only one item as the shirts and shorts and combined into one, making this good value too.

I've paired it with a pair of white heels from MissM, which I think go to good with the pink/white top. You could probably pair with another pair of white heels or if you are able to do you can find a pink pair of the same shade, or even one that matches the shorts. There are also a few colors for this outfit, I have it in pink/white but you can also get it in blue/pink, blue/white, green/yellow.

Just like in my last outfit, I've used a body enhancer for this outfit as like my avatar to have a little more curves :) That comes down to personal taste though!



MissM: ElyCheeque .Heels

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