Friday, June 16, 2017

Outfit of the Week: 25

 I'm back with a new outfit, this one should be perfect to add to your summer IMVU wardrobe! Continuing to bring you the best outfits in IMVU fashion here :)

I absolutely love this pink crop top, and it leaves your shoulders looking great for Summer! Plus the floral high waist-ed skirt is really well done, and you have the heels that match. I put on some accessories to complete the outfit.


Mona Outfit





Aera Shoes


Ambyr Choker





Esther Hoop Earrings




⚓ InkedQueen Nails



Fye Dime

Remember that if you want to earn IMVU credits to make outfits of your own, you can sign up for Swagucks to turn gift cards into credits!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Outfit of the Week: 24

Here comes another new IMVU outfit for 2017, something that feels a bit more summery for those of us that are tired of the winter. I think this look makes your IMVU avatar look both super cute and sexy!

This is the perfect outfit to grab everyone's attention whether you are going out to the club or just trying to make a statement. Love the details on the tank top, and the textures on the skirt are awesome. Let me know what you think of this IMVU outfit!



Remember that if you want to earn IMVU credits to make outfits of your own, you can sign up for Swagucks to turn gift cards into credits!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Outfit of the Week: 23

I'm back and bringing you another IMVU outfit here in 2017, hope you like it!

Absolutely love this pink jumpsuit, with the pink leopard print leggings. Plus when you add the heels in it is super hot!


(ViO) Precious XXL





(ViO) Precious Pumps


⚓ Pinup Nails ♥

Remember that if you want to earn IMVU credits to make outfits of your own, you can sign up for Swagucks to turn gift cards into credits!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Outfit of the Week: 22

Here is our first IMVU fall fashion 2016 themed outfit, perfect to wear as the weather gets cooler:

It's all about the layers when it comes to this great little green jacket, along with the black skinny jeans. I added in some leopard print boots to give it some more style and then through in some accessories to perfect this IMVU style. Hope you like it!



[Nx] Green Jacket



$ Stretch Jeans RLL



Leopard Print





❥ Neck Cords white.


E. Ender Pinky


QMQ Wedding Green Nail

Remember that if you want to earn IMVU credits to make outfits of your own, you can sign up for Swagucks to turn gift cards into credits!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Outfit of the Week: 21

Paris fashion week just ended, but that doesn't mean that our IMVU fashion has to end here! Here is the newest style that is perfect for your IMVU avatar. Check it out:

I absolutely love the sky blue color of this outfit, and the dress is great. It's a longer cut but has the open leg to give it the sexy look. And the heels make it the perfect outfit for your IMVU avatar. I found some accessories in a similar color  and added them to the outfit to finish it off.


Heels ......Kassie

XXL ......Kassie


(ISA)Luciana Accs Set


French Duck Nails

Remember that if you want to earn IMVU credits to make outfits of your own, you can sign up for Swagucks to turn gift cards into credits!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Outfit of the Week: 20

Here's the latest addition to my IMVU fashion blog. Whatever you need to enhance your IMVU style, I hope you can find something that you like here.

The first thing that comes to mind with this outfit is: legs! It makes your legs look amazing and long, especially with the pink platform heels. Plus the space idea is super cute but still gives off a sexy vibe. Love the skirt and the colors for the entire IMVU outfit.









*Kc*Gorgeous L bracelet






French Duck Nails


Remember that if you want to earn some credits to make outfits of your own, you can sign up for Swagucks to turn gift cards into credits!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Oufit of the Week: 19

Looking for the perfect IMVU outfit for your IMVU avatar? Well you've found the right IMVU fashion blog here! Check out this week's look:

The heels are ridiculously tall, but I still absolutely love them! They're super sexy and detailed and they go great with the dress. Plus the dress makes my booty look amazing.


{P}XXL China Dress





{P} China Heelz


Ҝ™ Vilaya Kit





Remember that if you want to earn some credits to make outfits of your own, you can sign up for Swagucks to turn gift cards into credits!